Candela 是全球領先的醫療雷射設備公司,在 86 個國家銷售產品並提供相關服務和支持,擁有廣大的全球業版圖和市場。
Candela is a global company that develops and manufactures aesthetic products, services, and systems with three primary global business units focused on hair removal, body, and facial/women’s products that are sold primarily to plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and spas. Candela’s focus is on their customers’ success by building on the strength of Candela’s brands, the technology behind its products, and the high quality.

Jeisys Medical Inc. 是一家全球醫療設備製造商,行銷超過全球 40 個國家,超過千位以上的使用者,專注於獨立創新研發能力,致力提供使用者高品質的治療效果。
JEISYS Medical Inc., a worldwide medical device manufacturer produces high-end products for plastic surgeons, dermatologists, physicians, and healthcare professionals with various reliable product lines.
Jeisys serves the industry as one of the leading companies develops the most progressive product to lead global market and products are being globally marketed by overseas offices.

Hironic Co., Ltd. 是一家領先的醫療器械製造商,在 HIFU lifting devices 與 Cryofatreduction devices 領域估韓國市場份額第一,目前在全球約 2000 個地點銷售。
Hironic Co., Ltd. is a leading medical device manufacturer, taking the top position in the domestic market shares in the sector of HIFU lifting devices and Cryo-fat reduction devices.
and utilization of its devices in approximately 2,000 sites over the globe at present with significant recognition as a global standardized Medical & Aesthetic device.
Based on all these enthusiastic efforts and great successes, Hironic is No. 1 Aesthetic device company in Korean Stock Market (KOSDAQ).

GENOSS 公司於 2004 年在韓國成立,是一家專業的高質量醫療器械生產廠家,以改善患者生命質量和生活質量為目標,產品服務覆蓋心血管介入、骨科及神經外科、口腔科,同時可提供生長因子等生物製品。
“For the worldwide using of exceptional products”
Since our inception in 2004, it has been our mission to bring lasting improvements to patients’ lives by providing safe, innovative, and cost-effective clinical solutions.
We continue taking steps toward improving patient health and wellness by expanding our presence in the global healthcare market.

K1MED Co., Ltd. 自 2006 年成立以來,以質量、技術和客戶滿意度為基礎,確立了 K1MED 在行業中的地位。
K1MED based on the quality, technology and customer satisfaction, have established position in the industry since its foundation in 2006.